Welcome to Queen’s Park Baptist Church, a vibrant Christian community based in the heart of Glasgow’s southside. We have been here since 1878 – not all of us obviously! In that time, we have changed and grown, celebrated joys and tackled sorrows, stretched out in faith and experienced God’s great love and commitment to us.
our story
Today we are a community, comprised of many backgrounds and cultures, united in our passion to see people and places transformed by the love and power of God. We pursue the enabling of the Holy Spirit as we welcome his gifts amongst us and seek to see our city renewed physically, relationally and spiritually. We would love you to join us in this task.
Several years back we gathered to work out how to bring focus and direction to our life together. We asked what a community transformed by God would look like, what difference Jesus would make in our city? We were drawn to Jesus’ remarkable parable of the great feast (you can find it in Matthew’s gospel chapter 22). The desire that we might reflect the qualities of God’s character displayed in that image gripped us. The idea that we might express something of God’s lavish, dignifying, transforming invitation to meet us has driven our aims, our behaviours, our priorities ever since.
our vision
Our passion and plan are to “Call our City to Life” as we help people discover and express the fullness of life that Jesus Christ offers.
Our aim is to make that life obvious to people by what we say and how we live. Whether we scatter out into work and life around us or as we gather together to learn, worship and serve together, we aspire to be a people who live out the amazing life that comes from relationship with God.

Camphill building
20 Balvicar Drive, Glasgow, G42 8QS
The Point (church office)
180 Queen's Drive, Glasgow, G42 8QD
Usually 10am to 4pm weekdays
0141 423 3962