Freedom and fatherhood

Freedom and fatherhood

Let me begin with a story. It comes from a favourite film, the Shawshank Redemption. It’s the story of an old jailbird called Brooks Hatlen, Shawshank’s librarian. After 40 years of incarceration old-man, Brooks is released into a bright new world of freedom. But his...
Freedom and fatherhood

Who do you think you are?

Our New Identity in Christ. The news in Scotland this week has been full of pictures of trees in the Northeast blown down by Storm Malik on Saturday then Storm Corrie. A photo in a recent BBC News article showing a picture of thousands of trees toppled like toothpicks...
Freedom and fatherhood

Blinded by grace

June 2019 saw a historic event occur on the pyramid stage at the Glastonbury Festival. The rapper Stormzy became the first black solo British headliner at the iconic festival. Central to his performance was his hit song “Blinded by your Grace” The excited crowd of...
Freedom and fatherhood

What does grace look like?

Who exemplifies grace for you? What image comes to mind when you think of a grace-filled person? You might want to ponder that thought as we head to Sunday. In popular thinking, a grace-full person is a doormat, a rollover who is passive and silent in the face of...

Grace – it’s Amazing!

The turn of a calendar page makes little difference to reality, nevertheless, the beginning of a new year symbolises change and fresh possibilities for many of us. So how are you launching into 2022? Some of us remain disheartened and exhausted as we continue to...
The Wonder of Christmas

The Wonder of Christmas

This week I was chatting with a young mum watching her two-year-old mesmerised by a small revolving Christmas tree. She was sadly anticipating the day when her child would grow up and lose her sense of ‘wonder’. This conversation has made me think about the concept of...
What Mary do you know?

What Mary do you know?

Mary, she is either adored or avoided, sainted or airbrushed from history. We often view her as a demure and dainty woman, her eyes coyly bowed in saintly meekness. This Mary points to a Christmas and a kingdom of quiet, passive submission. That’s hardly the Mary Luke...
Comfort and Challenge

Comfort and Challenge

I love this photograph …it is of a tree growing, clinging to a rockface, a most improbable place for something to grow, on the side of Ben More near Crianlarich. For me, it is a picture of hope, of endurance, of life against all the odds. I love trees and it gives me...
Looking Forward

Looking Forward

What are you looking forward to? No, I don’t mean the prospect of foreign holidays or post covid hugs. I mean, really looking forward to? A promise Jesus promises everlasting life beginning now and blooming in eternity to all who place their faith in him. But there is...
Hope for Hard Times

Hope for Hard Times

Dear Friends, This week the UK passed a grim milestone, 100,000 deaths from COVID-19. The enormity of this tragedy is both shocking and unimaginable. Each loss is a person: a name, a face, a friend and family member, a person with a history and hopes for the future....