What a week…

What a week…

This week, 15 of us joined with about 700 other young people from across Scotland. We camped in a field, saw enough rain to re-enact the story of Noah and more importantly prayed, worshipped and heard the word of God together. On Sunday I will be sharing with you on...
What a week…

Songs in the night

This week there has been a lot of talk about what is normal and what is abnormal, or exceptional. This week Scotland experienced both its hottest night and its hottest day. The weather is not normal and is a reminder – if ever we needed one – that the climate crisis...
It goes deeper

It goes deeper

Last week I had a great week away with a number of our older youth and young adults at SU Gowanbank. We had a week of fun, eating together, laughter, worship, prayer and leadership development teaching. We also played a number of games, baked and had an ‘explodingly’...
It goes deeper

Water is thicker than blood

Water is thicker than blood. Yes, you read that right. For Christians, the water of baptism is thicker than the blood of biology that binds us to kith and kin. The name on our door and notepaper at QPBC says we are a “Baptist” church. Amongst the rich tapestry of...
It goes deeper

Eating & Drinking

Arguably the second most important sporting event of 2022 started on Monday I am, of course, talking about Wimbledon. The number 1 slot, of course, goes to le Tour de France 😊   Wise words from Henman My point here is not to start an argument about what is the...
It goes deeper

On The Move

On Sunday 22nd May the world passed a staggering milestone. The UN High Commission on Refugees published the data: The Ukraine war and other conflicts had pushed the number of people forcibly displaced worldwide to an eye-watering 100 million people. If refugees were...

We’re All-In this together

We’re All-In this together This Sunday we are excited to be gathering as all ages and stages to celebrate and worship together. We will celebrate our children and young people and pray for them as they transition into new learning groups after the summer. We will...
Milestone Moments

Milestone Moments

Milestone moments, those points and places where we stop and survey how far we have come and what lies ahead. Annual General Meetings are often milestone moments to take stock of what God has done and recall the ups and downs of a year gone by. AGM 2022 As we talked...
It goes deeper

When you pray …

If you had been in the church I grew up in, then at a certain point in the Sunday morning service you, if your hearing was good, would hear two faint beeps. The beeps you would have heard were me and my friend Mark starting the timers on our watches because Mr Farmer...
It goes deeper

Of splinters and logs

Christians have a reputation for being judgemental, we can be a bit “judgy”. It’s not a good look. People today just don’t like being told what to do for a start, especially when the finger is pointed at them by an interfering goody-two-shoes. To cap it off we have...