All the Light we Cannot See

All the Light we Cannot See

All the Light We Cannot See is the latest Netflix binge-watch chez Macaulay. It’s a beautifully rendered series based on the Pulitzer Prize-winning book by Anthony Doerr and my cultural recommendation of the week! It tells the story of a blind French girl and a German...
All the Light we Cannot See

Revelation walking down my street!

So, what was your street like on Tuesday evening? I expected mine to look like a scene from Revelation with kids dressed up in various costumes as their parents took them out guising. But I only saw one group, with an adult dressed as “the grim reaper” replete with...
All the Light we Cannot See

Words and pictures

Revelation, as you may have noticed, is choc-a-bloc with some very strange images. John is asked, “What do you see?” Often Christians see things that are not there in the bible, make connections that don’t exist and use them to justify things that are morally...
All the Light we Cannot See

Stranger things

We humans are incurably curious. We ask the big questions about our existence: how come things exist at all? How did we get here? What are we for? Many people believe science has debunked faith as the answer to these fundamental questions of our existence. Yet, today,...
All the Light we Cannot See

Israel and Gaza

On Saturday morning 7th October, the terrorist group Hamas breached the border encompassing the Palestinian territory of Gaza. What followed was unspeakable in its savagery. In a rain of terror paragliders with machine guns descended on a desert rave, Jewish families...
All the Light we Cannot See

Clyde built theology

The Rapture was Clyde-built! Yes, the west of Scotland’s, or more precisely Port Glasgow’s, foremost contribution to the world of theology, is the widespread belief that Christians will be extracted from the world ahead of a great tribulation. The notion that flowed...
All the Light we Cannot See

I don’t love worship!

I don’t love worship! Yes, it is true I don’t love worship. Are you shocked? Now …you need to read on, or I fear you’ll get the wrong end of the stick by what I mean by this. Sardis & Midas I am sure you know the story of King Midas …you know the guy who...
All the Light we Cannot See

Hope over Fear: All Together Now.

I have a guilty secret …come close, lean in and I’ll tell you what it is, so long as you promise not to look down on me. I am a bit of a fan of jigsaw puzzles! Frequently in our house, Alison will be searching for her iPad only to find I’ve “borrowed” it to do a...
Stay curious. Try Alpha

Stay curious. Try Alpha

Everyone should have the opportunity to explore Christian faith, ask questions, and share their point of view.  This is the stated aim of Alpha, the popular and prolific course that explores the basics of Christian faith.    Alpha has been a key part of the life of...
A disciple’s eye test

A disciple’s eye test

The competition for your attention is fierce. From pop-up ads and notifications on the screen in the palm of your hand to the constant deluge of data that comes from all angles, it’s no wonder the human attention span is comparable with that of a gnat. Nevertheless,...