Volunteering at Events
When the church has an event, perhaps a conference or a transforming evening, we need volunteers for various different jobs.
When: various times – Friday evening for transforming events, Saturday for conference, Saturday evening for Global Focus.
Time commitment: varies depending on the event.
Skills required: varies. Good team member. Usually we need people to welcome, to serve refreshments and sometimes to make refreshments.
What’s involved: details of what’s involved are issued for each event. Usually team members are asked to arrive before the event starts and/or stay after it ends to help clear up. There are opportunities to sign up for welcoming, serving, baking, helping in the kitchen, clearing up.
Person who will respond to you: Graeme or Elaine Cunningham.

Transforming Events
Team members prepare refreshments, serve refreshments, set up the sanctuary, welcome guests at the door, check tickets and clear up at the end.
When: Transforming Events are usually on a Friday evening from 7-9.30pm. There are 2 or 3 a year.
Time commitment: Time commitment varies – see “What’s involved”
Skills required: welcoming, friendly, (if preparing food a food hygiene certificate is desirable)
What’s involved:
- Preparing food: arrive at 3pm and finish at 7.30pm. Work as part of a team of 10 (under the direction of a team leader) preparing savoury and sweet canapés.
- Welcoming and serving: arrive at 6.15pm, welcome at the door, check tickets, serve canapés and drinks throughout the night. Help with canapé and drink clear up as the night progresses. Finish about 9pm.
- Clear up: when the event ends until the sanctuary is cleared (not resetting the seats). Possibly one hour.
Person who will respond to you: Liz Martin or Linda McCabe

Funeral Hospitality
This team operates as and when needed to provide hospitality after a funeral.
When: varies
Time commitment: 1 or 2 hours
Skills required: good team player
What’s involved: options:
- on the day – prepare hall, set tables, serve tea and coffee, clear up, wash dishes and reset hall
- in advance – bake
Person who will respond to you: Isobel Wills

Messy Church
Messy Church is where people of all ages and at all stages on the journey of faith come to be together, create together, celebrate God together and eat together.
When: First Saturday of every month (except July) from 1pm to 4pm
Time commitment: Once a month. 1-2 training sessions/meetings per year plus Safeguarding training every two years. Option to be part of monthly planning meetings.
Skills required: friendly, caring, kind, reasonably fit and able. Ability to connect and share God’s love with people of all ages.
What’s involved: Setting up Pollok before each session. Preparing snack and tea/coffee. Encouraging and taking part in discussion and activities at tables. Commit to praying regularly for those who are part of Messy Church. Clearing away after the session.
Other information: All leaders must register with the Protection of Vulnerable Groups Scheme and undertake regular safeguarding training.
Person who will respond to you: Mairi Greenshields, Pastor: Children and Families.

D.I.Y Team
As issues arise within the church building requiring repair or maintenance we need volunteers for various different jobs.
When: various times suitable to the team
Time Commitment: depends on job – whatever time you have to give
Skills required: good team member with competent DIY skills for job being done
Person who will respond to you: Stewart McCardle

Deep Clean
This is an occasional group that gets together in response to a request from the church to clean parts of Camphill or parts of the Point that might not get cleaned very regularly.
When: varies
Time commitment: 1 or 2 hours
Skills required: ability to work on your own or with others. Ability to clean – help is available. Joyful attitude to cleaning – desirable but not essential.
What’s involved: specific cleaning tasks around the building. All tasks are clearly detailed and all equipment is provided.
Person who will respond to you: Graeme or Elaine Cunningham.

Transition Team
You will recall the decisions taken last March and this March to restructure the governance of Queen’s Park Baptist Church.
This has now progressed to the stage where assistance will be needed to carry out the transfer of all assets and liabilities from QPBC (the old church) to QPBC 2023 (the new church).
The bulk of this work will be undertaken by the Finance Team but the volume of work to be done is fairly challenging (but not difficult!) so assistance will be required.
When: In many small parts over possibly the next year or so to suit the availability of those volunteering.
Where: Wherever it suits the individual to do it.
Skills required: Various but including the ability to take instructions, act upon them and complete what is required; the ability to maintain confidentiality and comply with GDPR regulations.
What’s Involved:
• Assistance to deal with all matters arising from opening new bank accounts.
• Assisting members to open new Standing Orders for giving.
• Assisting members to complete new Gift Aid Declarations.
• Assistance to transfer church insurance policies.
• Assistance to deal with QP’s responsibilities to OSCR (charity register), Companies House, HMRC and the like.
Person who will respond to you: Harry Browne or Charlie Robertson

Camphill building
20 Balvicar Drive, Glasgow, G42 8QS
The Point (church office)
180 Queen's Drive, Glasgow, G42 8QD
Usually 10am to 4pm weekdays
0141 423 3962