God calls us into a journey of discipleship where we grow in our love for Him, grow in Christlikeness, and grow in our love for our neighbours.
Being a disciple of Jesus is not a solo sport but something we do with others!
Life Groups are small relational discipleship spaces where we can do real life together; pray, make friendships, learn, encourage, explore the bible and much more.
These are spaces where we celebrate the incredible work God has done in our own lives and where we work out what it means to see Godly transformation happen in the lives of those we love, know, and work with as we seek individually on our Front Lines, and corporately as His people, to call our city to life.
Each Life Group has its own personality and while many have geographical names, they include people from all over the city.
Click on the images below to find out more about each Life Group.
Camphill building
20 Balvicar Drive, Glasgow, G42 8QS
The Point (church office)
180 Queen's Drive, Glasgow, G42 8QD
Usually 10am to 4pm weekdays
0141 423 3962