A familiar tale?

A familiar tale?

Feeling nostalgic?   Do you ever get an ear worm, a tune which unbidden starts to play in your head and whether you like it or not you can’t find the off switch! I recently had an earworm from my youth, not the whole song just the opening guitar riff. So off I went to...
A familiar tale?

Marginal gains

Wonky veg, two-legged carrots and lumpy potatoes are among the unwanted products of our picture-perfect culinary world. As much as 40% of our food is wasted, globally. Much of it is left to rot on farms because it is too large, too bendy, or too ugly. Some great food...
A familiar tale?

Grace – makes beauty out of ugly things

Life’s not fair! How often have you heard that? If you’ve ever had children, I’m sure you’re familiar with the cry, ‘That’s so unfair!’, usually when you’re trying to exercise some robust parental control. And often we answer in response, ‘Well, life’s not fair so...
A familiar tale?

A Jesus Jihad

My host turned to me with a grin and said:  “I would like to introduce you to Jihad”.   Here I was in the heart of the middle east being introduced to global terrorism’s choice word for Holy War. He clearly knew he was provoking a reaction in an innocent westerner...
A familiar tale?

Family values

What a Sunday! What a joy it was to witness the baptisms of two young people as they publicly affirmed their faith in Jesus last week. This commitment was, of course, the fruit of years of investment by each family and a testimony to the faithful ministry of children...
A familiar tale?

And the heavens opened

The south side of Glasgow is the talk of the steamie, more specifically the deluge of rain which fell over Hampden Park on Tuesday night was a hot topic of conversation. The heavens opened and 15mm of rain fell in one hour, or to put it another way, 6 days’ worth of...

In the Belly of the Whale

I am a huge fan of Veggie Tales (the original classic episodes- not the new Netflix series- I hasten to add.)  As well as watching many VHS videos as a family (this will make my kids feel old!), we also enjoyed listening to that classic album, Veggie Rocks, which...
A familiar tale?

Taking the plunge!

Last Sunday I was not at QPBC but was with the rest of my family to see my niece being baptised. It was great to see her, and six other people, take this next step in their discipleship journey. Here at QPBC, we are also planning a service of baptism on 25 June. If...
A familiar tale?

What lies beneath?

“Abbatars” they called them, and they were impressive. Abba Voyage is London’s great musical night out and last week we had the joy of seeing the show. By means of much jiggery-pokery and digital magic the septuagenarian super troopers Bjorn, Benny, Frida and Agnetha...