Global Focus Weekend
It’s the best-known verse in the bible, John 3:16: “God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son…” It tells us that God’s love is immeasurable and indiscriminate: he loves the whole of humanity in all our variegated glory. He is seeking to rescue and redeem a people for himself from all nations. If he has any preference, it is not for the powerful influencers who have the ear and eye of the world but for the least the last and the lost. Jesus leads his followers beyond the ties to family or tribe to love and reach the outsider and the stranger. This propulsive love of God has mobilised Christians for centuries to reach beyond the familiar and local to cross-cultural and language barriers to invite people to join the family of God.
This weekend is our annual “Global Focus”, when we celebrate this mission of God. This year, we are delighted to have Matthew Skirton with us. Matthew leads Operation Mobilisation in the UK, and he will be helping us to see how each and every one of us can be involved in global mission.
We will also receive our global focus financial offering, which is a vital contribution to supporting our mission partners financially during the year – come prepared.
You can give via your bank to our new QPBC account (preferred as we will receive 100% of your offering)
Account number: 27541269
Sort code: 80-22-60
Please make sure you add the reference “Global your name”
or you can give through the ChurchSuite World Mission fund (a small percentage is taken in handling fees)
Here’s the link: World Mission Giving on ChurchSuite
Who are our mission partners?
Global focus is a moment to celebrate our own mission partners who work in a whole range of mission projects. Here’s a brief flavour of who they are and what they do.
Gillian Hyeon is based in Glasgow and works in personal outreach with members of the Jewish community.
Patience Marshall works with YWAM in their discipleship programme and in writing ministry. Last year, she relocated from Switzerland to the YWAM Seamill Base in Ayrshire.
Daryl and Kathie Turner, Nathaniel and Joanna are in Jos, Nigeria, where they work with Wycliffe Bible Translators training translators.
Julyan and Lenna Lidstone serve with OM, supporting leaders and mission partners in the Muslim world. In Glasgow, they work with Iranians and Turks and with QPBC ESOL café.
Emma and Ian Thompson are in Malawi, where Emma is a paediatric surgeon, and Ian works to support local musicians with a guitar-building and recording project.
Roger and Michell Hartley, with Aimee and Rachel, have relocated to Australia following long-term ministry in South Asia. They are now leading discipleship training at Canberra YWAM.
Andy and Catherine Kennedy, with Noah and Grace, work with Kings Kids International, mobilising young people into world mission.
Brian and Alison Parker are with OM. Alison supports families of children with additional support needs globally, whilst Brian works with churches and individuals to create sustainable businesses that bring about social and spiritual transformation in needy communities.
We also have a longstanding relationship with Daniel and Ema Hristea of FAST Romania
We partner via BMS World Mission with “LSESD” now called “Thimar” in Lebanon, who are involved with refugee support, special needs education and youth ministry in the Middle East
International Justice Mission: a global organisation protecting people in poverty from violence and human trafficking.
Our World Mission Prayer Guide will be available to members. Please make use of this and use it to sign up for regular prayer updates from our partners.
Short-term projects and trips open our eyes to what God is doing in our world and help us to engage with Global Mission. So, watch out for news of opportunities coming up!
Our global Mission team are Angele Carruthers, Fiona Mabonga, Iain Macaulay, John Turner, Linda McCabe and Nicola Watt.