Guest Preacher

Guest Preacher

Many moons ago… Many moons ago, probably during my first year or so of accepting the call to be the pastor of Pitlochry Baptist, I had a great guy in our church preaching every now and then. He was a member of PBC, working as an academic at that point, but had...
Looking in The Wrong Direction!

Looking in The Wrong Direction!

All I saw was a blank sky, the information I had was wrong and I saw nothing. On Monday there were multiple reports on TV and the internet that the Perseid meteor shower that night would not only be visible but spectacular. This meteor shower passes the earth every...
All In

All In

This week education in various forms will be at the forefront of the minds of many in our church family. Tuesday was SQA results day with the various levels of joy and disappointment that can bring and next week sees the start of a new school year, which may also be...
How to throw things at God

How to throw things at God

There are times when it comes to writing the weekly blog that there seem to be no words which are adequate to express all that is happening in our world. Close to Home. The horrific knife attack in Southport, in which three young girls were killed, has left families...