This Sunday we are gathering as all ages together for our All-In service. We are going to take some time to celebrate our children and young people as we approach the end of another school year and look forward to the summer break.

We will present the kids with a small gift and will be thinking about the many good gifts we receive from God, our Father.

I love an All-In service. I love looking around and seeing the mix of people of different ages and backgrounds all worshipping and learning together. Each of us there to bring our all to God and to share what he has given us with each other.

I know I am often guilty of coming into a service thinking what’s in it for me, rather than what am I bringing to the table. An All-In service gives us a real chance to each play our part as a whole church family, the whole body of Christ in one place together, to support and bless each other.

This got me thinking about the upcoming General Election and voting. Whether you pour over every political debate or switch off at the sight of them, there is no getting away from the election coverage – at least not without a bit of effort.

When it comes to voting it’s tempting to cast your vote for the party which looks like it’s working best for you, whose politicians are promising policies which, at least on the surface, appear to benefit you the most.

It says in Isaiah 1:17

Learn to do right; seek justice.
Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless;
plead the case of the widow.

As we prepare to cast our vote, may we do so prayerfully, asking God to show us where we can walk in tune with his call for us to champion and care for the least of these.


PS. Just a heads up to those of you who may have forgotten- it’s Father’s Day this Sunday.