Hello October
I can’t quite believe today is the last day of September. Is it just me, or does the second half of the year seem to speed up? The change from one month to the next mirrors changes this coming Sunday.
Last week was the last of the All-In services, which gives us the opportunity to be All-In-Together as we meet for worship in Camphill. This is an opportunity for things that have been happening in different spaces and at different times to be under the one roof.
Together – On-line
Yet, we recognise that there are people who physically are not able to come to the building on a Sunday or are not quite ready to do so yet. So, while we want to celebrate being with each other again, in “3D”, we have not forgotten those who still connect online and want to say to you; you are loved and valued.
On-line Different this week
This weekend 1st-3rd October is Canopy (more info elsewhere in the update). On Sunday we are encouraging those who would connect with QP Live to connect with the Canopy Sunday service.
Goodbye Daniel, Hello John
We have come to the end of our series on Daniel and this Sunday will be looking at John 15:1- 17.
While we may have finished our series on Daniel, I trust that what God has been saying to us over these past weeks is continuing to minister to you. Indeed, the series may be finished but our call to be faithfully present remains. We’d love to hear from you what stood out for you in this series, what God has been doing in your life.
This Sunday
This Sunday we will be thinking about John 15: 1 – 17. It is impossible to say everything that could and perhaps should be said, drawing on this passage, in the one sermon. So, here is an interesting exercise to do, the richness of which I may not have time to draw out in my sermon on Sunday. Find your comfy place, free from distractions, and read John 15:1- 17 then flip back a couple of pages and read John 13: 1- 35 before re-reading John 15. 1- 17.
What stands out to you from doing this? How do these two passages relate and inform each other? What themes, what commands, words and ideas are the same?
The Big Q
As you read and think about John 15 and the image of the vine, the branches, and the fruit here is a question for you to ponder.
John 15 talks a lot about being fruitful, but what is the fruit we are to bear? What words would you use to describe being fruitful?
Answers on a Post-card to…
As always, we’d love to know your thoughts about this question and what God has been saying to you, and doing in your life during the series on Daniel. Rather than send a post-card with your answers (I’m definitely showing my age with this cultural reference) why don’t you just send an email with your thoughts to brodie@qpbc.org
Grace and peace.