“… over everything the glory will be a canopy.” (Isaiah 4:5)
Back in March, discussions at the Baptist Council around what it means to be a union of interdependent churches, led to sharing of a picture… “It’s like a forest, where the roots underground are intertwined, yet most trees grow up on their own. However at the top, as their branches spread out, together they great a canopy over the forest.”
Just before this a small group of us had begun meeting to look at what the Scottish Baptist churches annual gathering might look like this year. We were aware of so many amazing things that had taken place at and through the Baptist Assembly over the years, but were also sensing a preconceived idea that this was something for a small number of people from our churches, namely the pastor/s and church secretary. Yet we longed to see something that could connect the whole Baptist family in Scotland. Plans had begun to take shape, when (like everything else this year) we were confronted with the realities of life during a pandemic.
As we discussed, reshaped and explored the new, we realised that this was a great opportunity. Online made this gathering accessible to so many more that it had ever been before. But what about a theme? And what should we call it? “Think back to council,” someone said, “God’s already given us the picture and think about Isaiah 4:5” And so ‘Canopy’ it was.
Fast forward
So fast forward around 6 months and it is time for Canopy – our first online gathering of Baptist churches in Scotland. The event will run from Friday 23rd-Sunday 25th October.
Another blessing of being online is the accessibility to a wider variety of speakers who will share during main sessions and in seminars. There are also all age sessions on Saturday and Sunday mornings (and if you register on the website scottishbaptist.com ) you will receive downloadable resources for these sessions. Throughout the weekend there is a youth steam including main sessions, a quiz and some challenges. Saturday afternoon offers a variety of seminars led by some of the main speakers and others from around our union of churches. However, everything begins on Friday night at 7:30pm with a prayer gathering and there is also the opportunity to sign up to the national prayer relay on the website scottishbaptist.com .
QPLive joins with Canopy
On Sunday morning, QPLive will connect with Canopy as we welcome John Mark Comer, (author of ‘The Ruthless Elimination of Hurry’, ‘Garden City’, ‘Loveology’ and ‘God has a name’) to share.
Usually in these posts we leave you with some questions to ponder as we prepare to gather for QPLive. However this week we do not leave you with questions, but instead a call to prayer. Our city and even our nation will be transformed with the glory of God as a canopy so let’s pray for that. Pray for our city and for this nation. And if you have any words or pictures, please do share them with us. You can do that simply by emailing office@qpbc.org
And of course, join us for Canopy 2020.